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* SNOOPDOS.H vi:ts=4
* Copyright (c) Eddy Carroll, September 1994.
* This header file defines all the global variables and structures
* used by the various SnoopDos code modules.
* Exactly one module should #define MAIN before including this file,
* to ensure that the variables are defined (as opposed to declared).
#undef GLOBAL
#undef INIT
#ifdef MAIN
# define GLOBAL
# define INIT(x) = x
# define GLOBAL extern
# define INIT(x)
#include "snooptext.h"
#define MSG(x) TextTable[x]
#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define BTOC(addr) ((void *)(((ULONG)(addr)) << 2))
#define SETTINGS_BASENAME "SnoopDos.prefs"
#define LOGFILE_NAME "SnoopDos.log"
// #define PATCHES_NAME "SnoopDos Patches" /* Up to beta 11 */
#define PATCHES_NAME "SnoopDos Patchlist" /* Beta 12 onwards */
#define HELP_BASENAME "SnoopDos"
#define APPICON_NAME "SnoopDos"
#define BACKGROUND_NAME "SnoopDos Support Process"
#define MINSTACKSIZE 12288 /* Minimum stack size we can run with */
* Global constants
#define MAX_STR_LEN 200 /* Max. string length for misc stuff */
#define MAX_SHORT_LEN 40 /* Max. short string len for misc stuff */
#define MAX_LOCK_LEN 100 /* Max. length of a lock string */
#define MIN_BUF_SIZE 4096 /* Min. size of history buffer */
#define PC_NAMELEN 40 /* Max. length of cached task names */
#define MAX_SEGTRACKER_LEN 50 /* Max. len of segtracker module name */
#define MAX_FORM_LEN 50 /* Max number of format %'s in form str */
#define NUM_PCACHE_ENTRIES 16 /* No. of task IDs to cache */
#define NUM_PACKET_ENTRIES 5 /* No. of outstanding packets to cache */
#define NUM_CACHED_TASKS 10 /* No. of task entries to cache */
#define MAX_DOS_DEVICES 100 /* Maximum no of DOS devs we recognise */
#define LOGBUFFER_SIZE 8192 /* Size of buffer for file logging */
#define SAVEBUFFER_SIZE 4096 /* Size of i/o buffer for saving buffer */
#define MAX_LOAD_NESTING 3 /* Only 3 levels of nested config files */
#define MAX_FIELD_LEN 99 /* Maximum width of a format field */
* Constants associated with specific functions
#define SETBUF_KEEPOLD 0 /* Keep old buffer when allocating new */
#define SETBUF_FORCENEW 1 /* Force new, even if means losing old */
/* --- for ShowBuffer() --- */
#define DISPLAY_QUICK 1 /* Redraw buffer using quickest method */
#define DISPLAY_ALL 2 /* Force redraw of all lines in buffer */
#define DISPLAY_NONE 4 /* Only update vars, don't refresh */
/* --- for CreateEvent() --- */
#define NO_EXPAND 0 /* Don't expand filenames to full paths */
#define EXPAND_NAME 1 /* Do expand filenames to full paths */
/* --- for InstallNewFormat() --- */
#define NEW_LISTVIEW 0 /* Indicates new listview format */
#define NEW_STRING 1 /* Indicates new string format */
/* -- for MainLoop() -- */
#define DEFAULT_WIDTH 832 /* Default window width */
#define DEFAULT_HEIGHT 300 /* Default window height */
/* -- CurrentLogType -- */
#define LT_FILE 0 /* Currently logging to a file */
#define LT_DEVICE 1 /* Currently logging to a device */
#define LT_DEBUG 2 /* Currently logging to debug device */
/* -- MonitorMode -- */
#define MONITOR_NORMAL 0 /* Monitoring normal activity */
#define MONITOR_PAUSED 1 /* Currently paused */
#define MONITOR_DISABLED 2 /* Currently disabled */
/* -- ShowGadget() -- */
#define GADGET_DOWN 0 /* Show gadget in selected state */
#define GADGET_UP 1 /* Show gadget in unselected state */
/* -- SelectFont() -- */
#define FONTSEL_WINDOW 0 /* Request new window font */
#define FONTSEL_BUFFER 1 /* Request new buffer font */
/* -- SelectFile() -- */
#define FILESEL_LOADCONFIG 0 /* Request name of existing config file */
#define FILESEL_SAVECONFIG 1 /* Request name of new config file */
#define FILESEL_DEFLOGNAME 2 /* Request name of default log file */
#define FILESEL_NEWLOGNAME 3 /* Request name of new log file */
#define FILESEL_SAVEBUFFER 4 /* Request name of save buffer file */
#define FILESEL_SAVEWINDOW 5 /* Request name of save window file */
/* -- SaveConfig() -- */
#define SAVE_NOICON 0 /* Don't save icon with settings file */
#define SAVE_ICON 1 /* Try and save icon with settings file */
/* -- SetLogGadget() -- */
#define LG_NOREFRESH 0 /* Don't refresh main log mode gadgets */
#define LG_REFRESH 1 /* Do refresh main win log mode gadgets */
/* -- RecalcMainWindow() -- */
#define NOREDRAW_GADGETS 0 /* Don't redraw gadgets after recalc */
#define REDRAW_GADGETS 1 /* Do redraw gadgets after recalc */
/* -- UpdateDeviceList() -- */
#define SCANDEV_DELAY 0 /* Wait before checking for new devices */
#define SCANDEV_IMMEDIATE 1 /* Check for new devices immediately */
/* -- CreateCustomImage() -- */
#define IMAGE_FONT 0 /* Request image for font button */
#define IMAGE_FILE 1 /* Request image for file button */
/* -- SaveBuffer() -- */
#define SAVEBUF_WINDOW 0 /* Save only visible portion of buffer */
#define SAVEBUF_ALL 1 /* Save entire buffer */
#define SAVEBUF_CLIPBOARD ((char *)(-1)) /* Indicates saving to clipboard */
#define SAVEBUF_PROMPT 0 /* Prompt user before overwriting file */
#define SAVEBUF_OVERWRITE 1 /* Always verwrite existing file */
#define KB_SHORTCUT_SIZE 256 /* Size of array for keyboard shortcuts */
* Macro (courtesy of Doug Walker) used to allocate longword-aligned
* data on the stack. We can't use __aligned inside our patches
* because the caller may not have a longword-aligned stack.
#define D_S(name, type) char c_##name[sizeof(type)+3];\
type *name = (type *)((long)(c_##name+3) & ~3)
* This is the template used to match tasks, when we exclude the
* Workbench and Shell tasks from the list. %s refers to the user's
* chosen pattern. We really want to use a pattern of (A & B) where
* A is the pattern that excludes Workbench/Shell and B is the
* user pattern. Since AmigaDOS doesn't support an & operator, we
* need to use boolean logic to transform this to ~(~A | ~B) which
* produces the string below.
* PAT_EASY_EXCLUDE is used when there is no match string -- it's a
* slightly simpler (and hopefully faster) version of the exclude
* system tasks string.
#define PAT_COMPLEX_EXCLUDE "~((Workbench|Shell Process|Background CLI)|~(%s))"
#define PAT_EASY_EXCLUDE "~(Workbench|Shell Process|Background CLI)"
* Some list stuff
typedef struct List List;
typedef struct MsgPort MsgPort;
typedef struct Node Node;
typedef struct SignalSemaphore Semaphore;
typedef struct Task Task;
typedef struct Process Process;
typedef struct Requester Requester;
#define HeadNode(list) ((void *)((list)->lh_Head))
#define TailNode(list) ((void *)((list)->lh_TailPred))
#define NextNode(node) ((void *)((Node *)(node))->ln_Succ)
#define PrevNode(node) ((void *)((Node *)(node))->ln_Pred)
#define FORLIST(list,p) for ((p) = (void *)(list)->lh_Head; \
((Node *)(p))->ln_Succ; \
(p) = (void *)((Node *)(p))->ln_Succ)
* Now our gadget IDs
* If you're changing the order of the first 20-30 boolean gadgets,
* then be sure to make corresponding changes to the tables contained
typedef enum {
GID_DUMMY, /* Make sure gadget ID never equals zero */
GID_LOADSEG2, /* Dummy entry to match GID_LOADSEG */
GID_GETVAR2, /* Dummy entry to match GID_GETVAR */
GID_SETVAR2, /* Dummy entry to match GID_SETVAR */
GID_ADDDOSENTRY, /* AddDosEntry() (to catch new devices) */
#define GID_NUMPATCHES (GID_SETVAR2 + 1) /* Number of patches we have */
* Make sure all gadgets corresponding to patchable DOS functions
* appear first in the above list, since they are used to index
* directly into the patch list.
* Note that we have four additional "dummy" gadget IDs which don't
* corresond to actual gadgets. These are used for monitoring
* the following function pairs:
* GID_READTOOLTYPES: FindToolType()/MatchToolValue()
* GID_LOADSEG: LoadSeg/NewLoadSeg()
* GID_GETVAR: GetVar()/FindVar()
* GID_SETVAR: SetVar()/DeleteVar()
* Whenever the main gadget ID is changed, the library patch code
* uses the secondary gadget ID to ensure that _both_ functions
* are enabled/disabled. (In fact, this is done at patch time, in
* UpdatePatches(), not at the time the gadget itself is clicked.)
* Now the remaining gadgets in the function window
* Now total the number of gadgets so far. Note that these are used
* to index into the FuncSettings->Opts array, so don't change
* the order of any of the above arbitrarily.
* If you DO need to change the order for some reason, make sure to
* edit the DefaultSettings array below as well to reflect the new
* order!
#define GID_NUMFUNCSETS (LAST_BOOL_GADGET+1) /* Number of function gadgets */
* Now the remaining gadget IDs
GID_HSCROLLER, /* Two scrollers must come after the four arrows */
* All the gadget IDs should appear above this point, since the
* symbols are used to index into the Gadget[] array.
* Next come the internal menu IDs
} GadgetID;
typedef enum {
MODE_SETTINGS, /* Executing command in a settings file */
MODE_CMDLINE, /* Executing command on the CLI cmd line */
MODE_TOOLTYPE, /* Executing command in an icon tooltype */
MODE_REXX, /* Executing command received from ARexx */
MODE_INTERNAL, /* Executing an internal command */
} ModeEnum;
typedef enum {
HIDE_INVIS, /* Make invisible */
HIDE_ICON, /* Create Workbench AppIcon */
HIDE_TOOLS, /* Create Workbench Tools menu icon */
HIDE_NONE, /* No hide method */
} HideType;
typedef enum {
SCREEN_DEFAULT, /* Open window on default public screen */
SCREEN_FRONT, /* Open window on frontmost public screen */
SCREEN_NAMED, /* Open window on named public screen */
} ScreenType;
typedef enum {
LOGMODE_PROMPT, /* Prompt user for filename */
LOGMODE_APPEND, /* Append filename to existing file */
LOGMODE_OVERWRITE, /* Overwrite existing file */
LOGMODE_SERIALPORT, /* Send output to debugger using RawPutChar */
} LogType;
typedef enum {
FILE_AUTOMATIC, /* Determine i/o type automatically */
FILE_IMMEDIATE, /* Use immediate i/o (no buffering) */
FILE_BUFFERED, /* Use buffered i/o */
} FileIOType;
typedef enum {
ROWQUAL_ANY, /* Ignore any qualifier when selecting rows */
ROWQUAL_NONE, /* Only select rows if no qualifier given */
ROWQUAL_SHIFT, /* Only select rows if qualifier is shift */
ROWQUAL_ALT, /* Only select rows if qualifier is alt */
ROWQUAL_CTRL, /* Only select rows if qualifier is ctrl */
ROWQUAL_ALL /* Only select rows if any qualifier given */
} RowQualifierType;
* Now structures used throughout SnoopDos
* This first structure holds details of the actual events
* Note that some of these fields are initially defined as NULL or \0
* when the event is created, and then filled in when they first need
* to be displayed by the mainline code. These are date[], time[],
* segname[], hunk, and offset. This is partly because it's dangerous
* to call the Date/Time functions via a SetFunction'd patch, and
* partly to save time by only decoding those quantities if they're
* actually required.
* Typically, enough room will be allocated in one of the buffers to
* contain both the event and the strings it points to (procname,
* filename, segname). Segname is tricky, since it isn't always
* necessarily required. It's handled by allocating sufficient room
* if segtracking is enabled, or setting it to point to the string
* "<Unavailable>" otherwise. (Note that calladdr is used to
* determine the segtracker-related info.)
* The sequence number is montonically increasing, from the first event
* recorded, and is used to allow easy traversal of the buffer.
* A seqnum of zero indicates that this event is currently unused.
* We use signed rather than unsigned because we occasionally need
* to subtract one from another and check if the difference is +ve
* or -ve.
typedef struct Event {
struct MinNode mnode; /* Used for linking events together */
LONG seqnum; /* Sequence number of this event (from 0) */
char *procname; /* Name of calling process */
char *action; /* Type of action (Open, Lock, Load, etc.) */
char *filename; /* Name of the file being acted on */
char *options; /* Options associated with this function */
char *result; /* Result (usually Okay or Fail) */
ULONG processid; /* Address of process that called us */
ULONG calladdr; /* Address we were called from */
struct DateStamp datestamp; /* Date and time when we were called */
char date[10]; /* String of date when we were called */
char time[10]; /* String of time when we were called */
char *segname; /* Pointer to name of caller (segtracker) */
ULONG offset; /* Offset we were called from (segtracker) */
UWORD hunk; /* Hunk we were called from (segtracker) */
UBYTE status; /* Status of this event (see ES_* enums) */
UBYTE flags; /* See EFLG_* defines below */
} Event;
#define EFLG_NONE 0 /* Default: No flags set */
#define EFLG_DONEDATE 0x01 /* Set if date has been converted to text */
#define EFLG_DONESEG 0x02 /* Set if segment info has been looked up */
* These next two flags are used when logging events to a disk file
#define EFLG_LOGPARTIAL 0x04 /* Set if partial entry for line was logged */
#define EFLG_LOGDONE 0x08 /* Set if entire entry for line was logged */
* These enums define the state of the current event; they are used by
* the mainline code while updating the display to ensure we don't try
* and access garbage values.
* ES_CREATING indicates that the event should not be accessed.
* ES_UPDATING indicates that all fields are valid, but some may not
* be complete. Thus, the mainline code should continue to output the
* contents of this event to the screen whenever it gets a chance.
* This is intended to allow Result string to be set after all the
* others have already been set (so that the line can be output both
* before and after the actual DOS call is made -- that way, if the
* call is causing a crash, we can see which call it was.)
* ES_READY indicates that the patch code has finished filling in the
* event, and the mainline code can go ahead and consider it complete.
* ES_ACCEPTED means that the mainline code has seen the line in the
* ES_READY state and no longer has to worry about having to check it.
* Note that while the patch code is responsible for setting the first
* three states, the mainline code sets the final ES_ACCEPTED state.
typedef enum {
ES_CREATING, /* This event is being created */
ES_UPDATING, /* This event is being updated */
ES_READY, /* This event is ready to be displayed */
ES_ACCEPTED /* This event was successfully displayed */
} EventStatus;
* This next structure is used to link all the buffers together. Each
* buffer holds a number of variable-size data structures describing
* the contents of the buffer.
typedef struct Buffer {
struct MinNode mnode; /* Used for linking buffers together */
ULONG size; /* Total size of this buffer in bytes */
ULONG free; /* No. of free bytes remaining in this blk */
BYTE *nextfree; /* Pointer to next free location in buffer */
struct Event firstevent[1];/* Contains first event in buffer */
} Buffer;
* This next structure is used to define the layout of a display format
* that can be output to our window or to a disk file. The basic idea
* is to encode a string such as "%20f %5d %4r" into an internal form
* that can be efficiently scanned to produce the desired result.
* Our chosen form is simple, yet efficient. We simply build an array
* of this structure, and scan it until we hit an EF_END type.
typedef struct EventFormat {
char type; /* Type of event (see enum FormatID below) */
char width; /* Width of event column in bytes */
short titlemsgid; /* Message ID of column title */
} EventFormat;
typedef enum {
} FormatID;
* This structure is used to initialise the format fields -- it maps
* format types onto corresponding %x sequences and text descriptions
typedef struct {
char type; /* Type of this format field */
char idchar; /* Lowercase ascii char used to identify it */
char defwidth; /* Default width if none specified */
short titlemsgid; /* Message ID of title */
} FieldInit;
* This structure holds all the settings that will be used
* by SnoopDos. We collect them into a single structure to
* make it easy to do things like Load/Save settings,
* Restore an earlier set of settings, Cancel out of a
* settings requester, etc.
* There are actually three types of settings: those set via
* the Setup... requester, those set via the Functions...
* requester, and everything else.
typedef struct SetupSettings {
UBYTE HideMethod; /* Icon, Tools menu or invisible */
UBYTE ScreenType; /* Workbench, Frontmost, or public */
UBYTE LogMode; /* Prompt, Append, Overwrite */
UBYTE FileIOType; /* Immediate, Buffered, Automatic */
ULONG BufferSize; /* In kilobytes */
char HotKey[MAX_SHORT_LEN]; /* Standard commodities string */
char ScreenName[MAX_SHORT_LEN]; /* Only used with Public ScreenType */
char LogFile[MAX_STR_LEN]; /* Log name if Logmode not Prompt */
char WindowFont[MAX_SHORT_LEN]; /* Default window font */
char BufferFont[MAX_SHORT_LEN]; /* Default buffer font */
UWORD WinFontSize; /* Size of window font */
UWORD BufFontSize; /* Size of buffer font */
char BufferFormat[MAX_STR_LEN]; /* Format string for buffer */
char LogfileFormat[MAX_STR_LEN]; /* Format string for logfile */
} SetupSettings;
typedef struct FuncSettings {
UBYTE Opts[GID_NUMFUNCSETS]; /* One byte for each setting */
char Pattern[MAX_STR_LEN]; /* Current pattern to match */
} FuncSettings;
typedef struct Settings {
SetupSettings Setup;
FuncSettings Func;
UBYTE AutoOpenMain; /* If true, auto-open win on output */
UBYTE DisableWhenHidden; /* If true, disable when hidden */
UBYTE ShowStatus; /* If true, display status line */
UBYTE ShowGadgets; /* If true, display gadgets in win */
UBYTE MakeIcons; /* If true, create icons for config */
UBYTE TextSpacing; /* 0, 1 or 2: spacing between lines */
UBYTE SimpleRefresh; /* True = Simple, False = Smart */
UBYTE RightAlign; /* Right-align target name field */
UBYTE RowQualifier; /* Cur qualifier for row selection */
UBYTE pad; /* Keep things neatly aligned */
WORD MainWinLeft; /* X pos of main window */
WORD MainWinTop; /* Y pos of main window */
WORD MainWinWidth; /* Width of main window */
WORD MainWinHeight; /* Height of main window */
WORD SetupWinLeft; /* X pos of setup window */
WORD SetupWinTop; /* Y pos of setup window */
WORD FuncWinLeft; /* X pos of function window */
WORD FuncWinTop; /* Y pos of function window */
WORD FormWinLeft; /* X pos of format window */
WORD FormWinTop; /* Y pos of format window */
WORD IconPosLeft; /* X pos of AppIcon (-1 = default) */
WORD IconPosTop; /* Y pos of AppIcon (-1 = default) */
ULONG StackLimit; /* Stack limit on patched functions */
} Settings;
* These are used when selecting what settings to activate. OR them
* together to create combinations.
#define SET_NONE 0 /* No settings changed */
#define SET_FUNC 1 /* Activate function settings */
#define SET_SETUP 2 /* Activate setup settings */
#define SET_MAIN 4 /* Activate main window settings */
* These are the default settings used via "Reset to Defaults"
GLOBAL Settings DefaultSettings
#ifdef MAIN
= {
* First our setup settings
HIDE_ICON, /* Hide method */
SCREEN_DEFAULT, /* Screen type */
LOGMODE_PROMPT, /* Log method */
FILE_AUTOMATIC, /* File I/O type */
32, /* Buffer size (KB) */
"ctrl alt d", /* Commodities hotkey */
"Workbench", /* Public screen name */
"ram:SnoopDos.log", /* Default log filename */
"", /* Window font filled in at startup */
"", /* Font size filled in at startup */
0, /* Buffer font filled in at startup */
0, /* Font size filled in at startup */
"%u %p %a %n %o %r",/* Buffer format string */
"" /* Log format string same as buffer */
* Now our function settings. Make sure that these match the
* order of the GID_* gadget IDs corresponding to each section
* which are defined near the start of this file.
0, /* Dummy value, never used */
0, /* FindPort */
0, /* FindResident */
0, /* FindSemaphore */
0, /* FindTask */
1, /* LockScreen */
0, /* OpenDevice */
0, /* OpenFont */
0, /* OpenLibrary */
0, /* OpenResource */
1, /* ReadToolTypes */
0, /* SendRexx */
1, /* ChangeDir */
1, /* Delete */
1, /* Execute */
0, /* GetVar */
1, /* LoadSeg */
0, /* Lock */
1, /* MakeDir */
1, /* MakeLink */
1, /* Open */
1, /* Rename */
0, /* RunCommand */
0, /* SetVar */
0, /* System */
0, /* Dummy: ReadToolTypes2 */
0, /* Dummy: LoadSeg2 */
0, /* Dummy: GetVar2 */
0, /* Dummy: SetVar2 */
0, /* Dummy: AddDosEntry */
0, /* OnlyShowFails */
1, /* Show CLI number */
0, /* ShowPaths */
0, /* UseDevNames */
0, /* MonPackets */
0, /* Monitor ALL packets */
0, /* Monitor ROM calls */
1, /* IgnoreWB */
* Note that by putting the pattern string at the end,
* we can force a warning from the compiler if we update
* the GID_* definitions and forget to update the above
* list accordingly.
"" /* Default to no special pattern */
* Now the remaining settings
0, /* No auto-open on output */
0, /* No disable when hidden */
1, /* Show status line */
1, /* Show gadgets */
1, /* Create icons */
0, /* 0 spacing between text lines */
0, /* No simple refresh window */
0, /* No right aligned target name */
ROWQUAL_ANY, /* Any row qualifier will do */
0, /* Padding byte */
-1, -1, -1, -1, /* Main window size/pos (-1 = dflt) */
-1, -1, /* Setup win position (-1 = dflt) */
-1, -1, /* Func window position (-1 = dflt) */
-1, -1, /* Format window pos (-1 = dflt) */
-1, -1, /* Icon pos (-1 = dflt) */
1000 /* Stack limit for monitored funcs */
#endif /* MAIN */
* Some definitions to make it easier to access current global settings
#define OnlyShowFails CurSettings.Func.Opts[GID_ONLYFAILS]
#define ShowCLINum CurSettings.Func.Opts[GID_SHOWCLINUM]
#define ShowPaths CurSettings.Func.Opts[GID_SHOWPATHS]
#define UseDevNames CurSettings.Func.Opts[GID_USEDEVNAMES]
#define MonPackets CurSettings.Func.Opts[GID_MONPACKETS]
#define ShowAllPackets CurSettings.Func.Opts[GID_MONALLPACKETS]
#define MonROMCalls CurSettings.Func.Opts[GID_MONROMCALLS]
#define IgnoreWBShell CurSettings.Func.Opts[GID_IGNOREWB]
#define MatchName CurSettings.Func.Pattern
#define DefaultLogMode CurSettings.Setup.LogMode
#define DefaultLogName CurSettings.Setup.LogFile
#define BufFormat CurSettings.Setup.BufferFormat
#define LogFormat CurSettings.Setup.LogfileFormat
#define WindowFontName CurSettings.Setup.WindowFont
#define WindowFontSize CurSettings.Setup.WinFontSize
#define BufferFontName CurSettings.Setup.BufferFont
#define BufferFontSize CurSettings.Setup.BufFontSize
#define AutoOpen CurSettings.AutoOpenMain
#define DisableOnHide CurSettings.DisableWhenHidden
#define StatusLine CurSettings.ShowStatus
#define GadgetsLine CurSettings.ShowGadgets
#define BoxInterGap CurSettings.TextSpacing
#define CreateIcons CurSettings.MakeIcons
#define RefreshTag (CurSettings.SimpleRefresh ? WA_SimpleRefresh : \
#define NoCareRefreshBool (CurSettings.SimpleRefresh ? FALSE : TRUE)
#define RightAligned CurSettings.RightAlign
#define RowQual CurSettings.RowQualifier
* Now, our global variables
GLOBAL struct Library *AslBase; /* ASL library base */
GLOBAL struct Library *DiskfontBase; /* Diskfont library base */
GLOBAL struct Library *GadToolsBase; /* GadTools library base */
GLOBAL struct Library *LayersBase; /* Layers library base */
GLOBAL struct Library *IconBase; /* Icon library base */
GLOBAL struct GfxBase *GfxBase; /* Graphics library base */
GLOBAL struct Library *RexxSysBase; /* REXX library base */
GLOBAL struct Library *UtilityBase; /* Utility library base */
GLOBAL struct Library *CxBase; /* Commodities base */
GLOBAL struct Library *AmigaGuideBase; /* AmigaGuide base */
GLOBAL struct Library *WorkbenchBase; /* Workbench base */
GLOBAL struct Library *KeymapBase; /* Keymap base */
GLOBAL struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase; /* Intuition library base */
GLOBAL Settings CurSettings; /* Our current settings */
GLOBAL Settings RestoreSettings; /* Settings we started with */
GLOBAL char *TextTable[NUM_OF_MSGS]; /* Message table for text */
GLOBAL char Language[34]; /* Name of current locale */
GLOBAL char WindowFontDesc[MAX_SHORT_LEN]; /* Font description */
GLOBAL char BufferFontDesc[MAX_SHORT_LEN]; /* Font description */
extern struct WBStartup *WBenchMsg;
* The name used to hold our configuration file, our ASL-selected
* log name, and our ASL save buffer name
GLOBAL char DefaultConfigName[MAX_LOCK_LEN];
GLOBAL char ConfigFileName[MAX_LOCK_LEN];
* This array holds the actual gadget pointer for (almost) all the
* gadgets we create; we need this pointer so that we can change
* the state of the gadget when the window is open.
GLOBAL struct Gadget *Gadget[GID_NUM_GADGETS];
GLOBAL struct DrawInfo *ScreenDI; /* Screen render info */
GLOBAL struct Screen *SnoopScreen; /* Screen window is on */
GLOBAL struct Image *SizeImage; /* Size gadget image */
GLOBAL int TitlebarHeight; /* Height of win titlebar */
GLOBAL int ScreenWidth; /* Width of SnoopDos screen */
GLOBAL int ScreenHeight; /* Height of " screen */
GLOBAL int ScreenResolution; /* SYSISIZE_(LOWRES|MEDRES) */
GLOBAL int CurWindowWidth; /* Current window width */
GLOBAL int CurWindowHeight; /* Current window height */
* When ClearMainRHS is set to 1, the right hand side of the main
* window will be fully erased on the next redraw (normally, we only
* draw out as far as the rightmost entry it the current format, to
* save some time).
* When PurgeFuncGadgets is 1, the function gadgets will be freed the
* next time the functions window is closed (usually set when the
* font has been changed).
GLOBAL int ClearMainRHS;
GLOBAL int PurgeFuncGadgets;
GLOBAL char SystemFontName[60]; /* Name of system font */
GLOBAL struct FontRequester *WindowFR; /* Window font requester */
GLOBAL struct FontRequester *BufferFR; /* Buffer font requester */
GLOBAL struct Window *MainWindow; /* Main SnoopDos window */
GLOBAL struct Window *FuncWindow; /* Functions window */
GLOBAL struct Window *FormWindow; /* Format window */
GLOBAL struct Window *SetWindow; /* Settings window */
GLOBAL struct VisualInfo *MainVI; /* Main window visual info */
GLOBAL struct VisualInfo *FuncVI; /* Func window visual info */
GLOBAL struct VisualInfo *FormVI; /* Form window visual info */
GLOBAL struct VisualInfo *SetVI; /* Set window visual info */
GLOBAL struct MsgPort *MainWindowPort; /* Msg port for main window */
GLOBAL struct MsgPort *FuncWindowPort; /* Msg port for func window */
GLOBAL struct MsgPort *FormWindowPort; /* Msg port for form window */
GLOBAL struct MsgPort *SetWindowPort; /* Msg port for set window */
GLOBAL struct MsgPort *SnoopPort; /* ARexx message port */
GLOBAL char StatusLineText[150]; /* Cur. msg in status line */
GLOBAL char CurrentTitle[200]; /* Cur. main window title */
GLOBAL ULONG MainWindowMask; /* Sig mask for main window */
GLOBAL ULONG FuncWindowMask; /* Sig mask for func window */
GLOBAL ULONG FormWindowMask; /* Sig mask for format win */
GLOBAL ULONG SetWindowMask; /* Sig mask for set window */
GLOBAL ULONG NewEventMask; /* Sig mask for new DOS evt */
GLOBAL ULONG WorkbenchMask; /* Sig mask for WBench msgs */
GLOBAL ULONG CommodityMask; /* Sig mask for CX msgs */
GLOBAL ULONG ScanDosListMask; /* Sig mask to rescan devs */
GLOBAL ULONG AmigaGuideMask; /* Sig mask for AmigaGuide */
GLOBAL ULONG RexxPortMask; /* Sig mask for Rexx msgs */
GLOBAL int BorderLeft; /* Width of left border in window */
GLOBAL int BorderRight; /* Width of right border in window */
GLOBAL int BorderTop; /* Height of top border in window */
GLOBAL int BorderBottom; /* Height of bottom border in win */
GLOBAL int SquareAspect; /* True if aspect ratio is 1:1 */
GLOBAL int GadgetHeight; /* According to aspect ratio */
GLOBAL int GadgetSpacing; /* According to aspect ratio */
GLOBAL int QuitFlag; /* If true, user said quit */
GLOBAL int HideOnStartup; /* True if HIDE found in config */
GLOBAL int CommodityPriority; /* Pri to install Commodity at */
GLOBAL int NoPatchRamLib; /* If true, skip patching ramlib */
GLOBAL ULONG SegTrackerActive; /* Add ev space for ST info */
GLOBAL ULONG RomStart; /* Start ROM address */
GLOBAL ULONG RomEnd; /* End ROM address */
* These variables all deal with the list of monitored events.
* All events are numbered in a monotonically increasing manner.
* We keep track of the sequence number associated with each
* pointer, so that we can easily tell if a pointer is valid
* or not by checking if it falls within the range of the
* sequence number associated with the first and last events
* on the list. (In practice, we only need to check the first
* sequence number.)
* LastDrawnTopSeq is similar to TopSeq, but differs in the case
* where what's displayed in the window has scrolled off the
* top of the buffer since the window was last refreshed. In
* this case, we can detect that LastDrawnTopSeq is now < FirstSeq
* and refresh the window accordingly (when we get an IDCMP_REFRESH
* request), rather than refreshing part of the window one way and
* part the other.
* The EndComplete* variables give the highest event that is
* "complete", i.e. that has been set to type ES_ACCEPTED, and
* which no longer needs to be refreshed.
GLOBAL List EventList; /* List of captured events */
GLOBAL Semaphore BufSem; /* Controls access to list */
GLOBAL Semaphore PauseSem; /* Controls pausing */
GLOBAL LONG NextSeq; /* # of newest event */
GLOBAL LONG BaseSeq; /* All others are > this */
GLOBAL LONG FirstSeq; /* # of event at window top */
GLOBAL LONG RealFirstSeq; /* as FSeq but ALWAYS right */
GLOBAL LONG TopSeq; /* # of event at window top */
GLOBAL LONG LastDrawnTopSeq; /* # of event disp'd at top */
GLOBAL LONG BottomSeq; /* # of event at window bot */
GLOBAL LONG MaxScannedSeq; /* # of highest ev scanned */
GLOBAL LONG EndSeq; /* # of highest ev scanned */
GLOBAL LONG EndCompleteSeq; /* # of h. complete ev scnd */
GLOBAL LONG BufferWidth; /* Max width of current buf */
GLOBAL LONG LogWidth; /* Max width of log output */
GLOBAL Event *TopEvent; /* Event at top of screen */
GLOBAL Event *BottomEvent; /* Event at bot of screen */
GLOBAL Event *EndEvent; /* Highest event scanned */
GLOBAL Event *EndCompleteEvent; /* Max complete event scand */
GLOBAL int HotKeyActive; /* True if valid hotkey */
GLOBAL APTR *TaskWindowPtr; /* Points to pr_WindowPtr */
GLOBAL APTR SaveWindowPtr; /* Saved value for DOS reqs */
GLOBAL int MonitorType; /* See MONITOR_??? defines */
GLOBAL int Paused; /* If true, we're paused */
GLOBAL int Disabled; /* If true, we're disabled */
GLOBAL int LastKnownState; /* State when we did HIDE */
GLOBAL int LogActive; /* If true, we're logging */
GLOBAL int GotLastSaved; /* 1=Last Saved is valid */
GLOBAL int DisableNestCount; /* #times DisableWin called */
GLOBAL Requester MainRequester; /* For disabling main win */
GLOBAL Requester SetRequester; /* For disableing setup win */
GLOBAL Requester FuncRequester; /* For disabling func win */
GLOBAL Requester FormRequester; /* For disabling form win */
GLOBAL int CurrentLogType; /* See LT_??? defines above */
GLOBAL char CurrentLogName[120]; /* Name of current logfile */
GLOBAL struct DateStamp PauseDateStamp; /* Time we paused at */
GLOBAL struct DateStamp DisableDateStamp; /* Time we disabled at */
GLOBAL EventFormat BufferEFormat[MAX_FORM_LEN];/* Format specifier for buf */
GLOBAL EventFormat LogEFormat[MAX_FORM_LEN]; /* Format specifier for log */
* Prototypes for LANGUAGE.C
void InitTextTable(void);
void InitLocale(char *catalogname);
void CleanupLocale(void);
* Prototypes for BUFFER.C
void InitBuffers(void);
int SetTotalBufferSize(ULONG newsize, int alwaystry);
void ClearBuffer(void);
void CleanupBuffers(void);
Event *GetNewEvent(int stringsize);
void CopyEvents(UBYTE *newbuf, ULONG newsize, UBYTE *oldbuf, ULONG oldsize);
int ParseFormatString(char *formatstr, EventFormat *evformat,
int maxfields);
void BuildFormatString(EventFormat *evformat, char *formatstr, int maxlen);
char *UnderlineTitles(EventFormat *ef, char *outstr, char underchar);
void CheckSegTracker(void);
void FormatEvent(EventFormat *eventformat, Event *event,
char *outstr, int start, int end);
* Prototypes for PATCHES.C
void LoadFuncSettings(FuncSettings *func);
void HandlePatternMsgs(void);
void UpdateDeviceList(int method);
void InitRamLibPatch(void);
void CleanupPatches(void);
int InitPatches(void);
void SetPattern(char *pattern, int ignorewb);
* Prototypes for SNOOPDOS.C
void InstallSettings(Settings *set, int which);
void mysprintf(char *outstr, char *fmtstr, ...);
char *GetFontDesc(char *fontdesc, char *fontname, int size);
void Cleanup(int errcode);
* Prototypes for MAINWIN.C
void CleanupMainWindow(void);
void InitMenus(void);
void ClearWindowBuffer(void);
void ShowBuffer(LONG seqnum, int displaytype);
void DrawSelectedLine(int row, int highlight);
void HandleNewEvents(void);
void UpdateMainVScroll(void);
void SetMenuOptions(void);
void InstallNewFormat(int type);
void ReOpenMainWindow(void);
void RecordWindowSizes(void);
void SetMonitorMode(int modetype);
void ScrollHorizontal(int amount);
void SetLogGadget(int logmode, int refresh);
int SaveBuffer(int savetype, char *savename, int overwrite);
int OpenLog(int logmode, char *filename);
void CloseLog();
void WriteLog(char *string);
void ShowStatus(char *msg);
void UpdateStatus(void);
int ShowSnoopDos(void);
void HideSnoopDos(void);
BOOL OpenMainWindow(void);
void CloseMainWindow(void);
int CheckForScreen(void);
void UpdateMainHScroll(void);
void UpdateMainVScroll(void);
void SetMainHideState(int hidestate);
int IsDiskFile(char *filename);
void HandleMainMsgs(void);
BOOL RecalcMainWindow(int width, int height, int dorefresh);
void SetTextSpacing(int newspacing);
void DoArrowScrolling(int arrowtype, int amount);
void SetMainWindowWidth(int colwidth);
void CloseLog(void);
void SingleStep(void);
void InitMainMargins(void);
void RedrawMainWindow(void);
* Prototypes for SUBWIN.C
void CleanupSubWindow(void);
void HandleFormatMsgs(void);
void HandleSettingsMsgs(void);
void HandleFunctionMsgs(void);
void HandleFuncMsgs(void);
char *GetFuncName(int gadgetid);
int OpenFormatWindow(void);
void CloseFormatWindow(void);
void CloseFunctionWindow(void);
void CloseSettingsWindow(void);
void ShowFuncOpts(UBYTE newopts[], int firstid, int lastid);
void ResetFuncToSelected(void);
int OpenSettingsWindow(void);
int OpenFunctionWindow(void);
void CleanupSubWindows(void);
* Prototypes for MISCWIN.C
void InitFonts(void);
int SetupScreen(void);
void CleanupScreen(void);
void ShowError(char *errormsg, ...);
int GetResponse(char *prompts, char *reqmsg, ...);
int SelectFont(struct Window *win, int fonttype);
int SelectFile(char *newname, char *defname, struct Window *win, int type);
void AddKeyShortcut(UBYTE *shortcut, int gadid, int msgid);
struct TextFont *MyOpenFont(struct TextAttr *textattr);
int ShowAGuide(char *cmdstring);
void HandleAGuideMsgs(void);
void CleanupAGuide(void);
struct Image *CreateCustomImage(int imagetype, int height);
void FreeCustomImage(struct Image *image);
int ConvertIMsgToChar(struct IntuiMessage *imsg);
void ShowGadget(struct Window *win, struct Gadget *gad, int type);
void CleanupWindows(void);
void EnableAllWindows(void);
void DisableAllWindows(void);
void DisableWindow(struct Window *win, struct Requester *req);
int GetTextLen(struct TextFont *font, char *msg);
int MaxTextLen(struct TextFont *font, int *ids);
* Prototypes for HOTKEY.C
int InstallHotKey(char *hotkey);
void HandleHotKeyMsgs(void);
void CleanupHotKey(void);
void CleanupIcons(void);
void WriteIcon(char *filename);
void RemoveProgramFromWorkbench(void);
int AddProgramToWorkbench(int hidetype);
void HandleWorkbenchMsgs(void);
struct DiskObject *GetProgramIcon(void);
* Prototypes for SETTINGS.C
int LoadConfig(char *filename, int mode, Settings *set);
int SaveConfig(char *filename, int saveicon);
int ExecCommand(char *cmdline, int mode, Settings *set);
int InitRexxPort(void);
void HandleRexxMsgs(void);
void CleanupRexxPort(void);
void InitSettings(void);
int ParseStartupOpts(int argc, char **argv);
void ShowCommands(BPTR file);
* Global Pointers
extern struct MsgPort *IoPort;
extern struct timerequest *TimerRequest;